Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Symantec Security Response - W32.Welchia.B.Worm

Now this is different, well at least to begin with. This virus/worm actually has some benefits to it if you can believe that. It starts by trying to download two patches from Microsoft. These are for some of those damn DCOM exploits that have killed Windows. Anyway, it will download, load and restartthe computer. Then after that it looks for the MyDoom worm and attempts to remove it. I became bored reading though the information on it. The one negitive I did see is that it removes taskmon from the registry and the windows update service, RpcPatch.

Not a bad idea on a more positive note. Why not send inoculation into the Web. These viruses/worms will exploit machines that uses are to lasy or to stupid to update. They can infect the machine then update it so it wont get updated again. To be nice it should pobably remove itself when it is done. Obviously after it tries to propagate. :)


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