Monday, December 18, 2006

I am sure everyone of you have spent time in McDonnald's. What I really wonder is how many have spent hours in McDonnnald's Playland? This jungle gym of germs and viruses is the best thing in the world for bored children in the Winter. Yesterday my wife and I decided to take the children to MCD's for some energy release. Of course we wanted to catch Breakfast, but that sure didn't happen. We just like to sleep in too late; and how does it take 45 minutes to dress a 10-month old? We make it to MCD's around 1130 and my oldest is off and running. It's so great how he tries, and does make friends so quickly. After about two hours of hanging out and the little one getting really sleepy, I am nominated in taking him home for a nap while the eldest plays on.

Who would thunk it, the little guy naps for 1.5 hours! great nap for him. My poor wife, stuck at the MCD's Playland doing Sudoku puzzles and no car! As soon as he wakes up, I am off and running to MCD's to rescue my wife from sure boredom...


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