Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Symantec Security Response - W32.Welchia.B.Worm

Now this is different, well at least to begin with. This virus/worm actually has some benefits to it if you can believe that. It starts by trying to download two patches from Microsoft. These are for some of those damn DCOM exploits that have killed Windows. Anyway, it will download, load and restartthe computer. Then after that it looks for the MyDoom worm and attempts to remove it. I became bored reading though the information on it. The one negitive I did see is that it removes taskmon from the registry and the windows update service, RpcPatch.

Not a bad idea on a more positive note. Why not send inoculation into the Web. These viruses/worms will exploit machines that uses are to lasy or to stupid to update. They can infect the machine then update it so it wont get updated again. To be nice it should pobably remove itself when it is done. Obviously after it tries to propagate. :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Well I have heard back from Marcos Brenton, and I must say that it was less that expected. Well what did I respect, he would use my little <> in a new article on the same subject. Probably not, time to move on. Well here is his first return email:

Mr. Slaski - Thanks so much for the kind words and for taking the time to write. I really appreciate it. If you don't mind me asking, how did you happen to see my column?

thanks again

Marcos Breton

Seems like a nice chap. Anyway I replied to his message:

It was in the 'Red Streak', a Chicago Sun-Times publication, I
believe on February third or fourth. I am curious, did you find
yourself watching curling in the last Winter Olympics?

Not saying much I suppose, but I was curious, here is Marcos's reply:

I watched a little curling, no question. I only watch it once every four years. What fascinates me about the sport is how passionate the Canadians are about it. To the American eye, it's incredibly goofy. But to Canadians, it's an obsession. I can't remember her name, but there was a woman who was a curling champion up there and I believe that she died of cancer recently - and her death sent all of Canada into mourning. To me, that's pretty amazing. Anyway, thanks again.

Marcos Breton

Yes, pretty amazing, I guess the only thing us Americans feel that strongly about is football, how sad. You may disagree and indicate baseball. I believe baseball died in the hearts of Americans during the last strike. True it is coming back, but it isn't close at all to were it was. Specially with me.

It really makes me wonder what is going to happen in the next hockey season. It could easily kill the NHL as we know it. I read this great artical by Kara Yorio of the Sporting News. I recieve Hockey updates via email from the Sporting News and this last one was pretty good. I don't think I want to include the whole story (Ok a link here ).

The basis of it contractin of the leage, yes the 'C' world. This is someting from the time the started expanding the NHL again in the early 1990's. I didn't start really getting into hockey until the late 1980's and I immediately saw all of the expansion as a really bad thing. There is no way that the tallent pool is large enough to have enough great games. Read the artical, I am sure you will enjoy it, pretty good points.

Bottom line, contract the following teams, this will bring the league back to where it was before the 1990's expansion, which I agree should of never of happend. Hockey in Florida, give me a break.

Mighty Ducks
Blue Jackets

You may say, "Penguins" what!? Well ya, their dead aleady.

There has been talks going around that owners are looking to add some new rules to the NHL. Big mistake, too many rules already. If calls are made fair and consistently, the play will clean up. Lets not make it into some pansey sport where you touch a player and you sit in the corner for two minutes.

I content that we are all athiests. I just believe in one less god than you. When you understand why you reject all other possible gods, you will understand why I reject yours.

(Adelaide Uni Toilet Wall, 2002)

Friday, February 06, 2004

Google Search, database changes
Finish your damn research.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Just because I mentioned it I would like to give them the service that is due.
One of the best little sites I have found on the internet. Ok, no, I didn't find it, I was told about it, but...
The have a link that you drag onto your quick-link bar so when you are on a page you just click the link and you go to there site. At this point the new tinyurl is in your clipboard waiting to be pasted somewhere. You could also navigate to there site, drop in your behemoth url and get the tiny one in return.


A comment on "Miracle" and some real thought to take away from it.
(Yes, everyone should use tinyurl, keeps it neat. It's great in emails)
Um: Use Warning: Must credit Sacramento Bee - per the artical in the link.

Marcos Brenton wrote this artical with the Scripps Howard News Service ( What I like the most about it, is the realization of how sports has changed since then. The bringing in of professionals in the Olympics. I have always hatted that. Yah, sure the olympics want to make money to by having all these big names playing in there games, but it distroys it for all the rest. The ones that will never get their shot because they just can't get into the Pro's. Get them on a team with 30 other hungry teammates and just watch what they can do. Well we did, back in 1980 in Lake Placid, NY.

I decided to write Marcos, to tell him how much I appreciated his article and something else:

Dear Marcos,

I would like to start off by telling you how much I enjoyed reading
your article, "'Miracle' moment won't be repeated". We truly have
lost in sports. Unfortunately I haven't been able to see the movie,
but it's on the list. I have a two year old, the list doesn't shrink
to often.

With all the pros in the Olympics now, how plastic it all seems. I
couldn't stop thinking of one thing while reading your article, "It
seemed everyone was watching curling during the last Winter
Olympics." Everyone was talking about it. I cannot ever remember so
much talk about the sport. I know it is huge in Canada, but not
Chicago. Perhaps since we see our 'stars' every day on TV that we
looked to something else in the Olympics. Something more unique, not
the same sports with the same players, just in a different venue.
Really, who wants to see a bunch of North American NHL players
demolish Bolivia?

Thank you for the words,

Brett Slaski
Rolling Meadows, IL

Yes curling. I recall destincly looking forward to curling. I'd hear talk about it on the train. More talk about it on TV.

I truly believe, that with the pros in the Olympics, it is destroying the heart and soul of the Olympic Games.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

I may look at this someday, again!?!
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer V1.2

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Congestion, congestion where did all this damn traffic come from. To hell with who asks for personal information to "register" with them. Below is all the data you need. Yes there are others from UIC but this site includes the tollways, which none of the others do. Ok maybe not none, but I haven't run accross many.

Gary-Chicago-Milwaukee Corridor Home Page